Nutrition for Athletes




One of the most overlooked realizations in today’s fitness and wellness realm is the forgotten fact that athletes calorie needs are different than the standard population.  Fad diets (often ill-advised even for the sedentary people that they are marketed to) have no place on the athletes plate.  Rather, they must adhere to a much higher caloric intake, with higher levels of all macronutrients; not just protein, but fats as well, and especially carbohydrates.


For a better understanding of these principles, see below for a link to an interview I did earlier this spring – hosted by my friend and former tennis professional Andy Gerst, on his ‘Everything About Tennis’ podcast:


Recently I submitted a research experiment I conducted at Cal Poly State University: the study attempts to offer a new equation for the exponentially higher resting metabolic rate of [college] athletes when compared to more dated prediction equations used for other more normalized populations.  My research showed a difference of over 400 calories in this RMR value, which is only a small fraction of total daily caloric expenditure even before exercise is accounted for!

Also this past summer, I released a sports nutrition ebook that serves as a practical, quick reference guide to the athlete who seeks more new and healthy options in their diet for good sources of fuel.   My hope is that the ebook serves as a basic but much-needed summary of the sometimes intimidating and broad spectrum of sports nutrition for an athlete who is bombarded by uneducated opinions and just doesn’t know where to start!

                     – CHRIS BORGARD


Fad diets  have no place on the plate of an athlete.  


A Truly Functional Weight Room




In this day and age of fitness fads, it is easy for the lines to be blurred between calorie-burning crazes and fundamental strength and conditioning training tailored to sport-specific needs.  That isn’t to say that cardio machines, jump ropes, agility ladders, punch mitts, battle ropes, tires and hammers, etc. can NEVER play a part towards purposefully training an athlete.  But too often in the strength and conditioning profession, we see coaches or trainers waste valuable square footage space in the weight room with movements designed to improve cardiovascular fitness.  This also takes away from time that could be dedicated to an athlete actually getting STRONGER and more POWERFUL with more equipment designed and housed inside the weight room for those purposes.  Remember, if an athlete does not have a good base of cardiovascular fitness in the first place, then chances are they are not yet ready to accomplish much in the weight room; and most of that preliminary CONDITIONING can take place elsewhere first (or during other coordinated training periods).   

Coaches or trainers that can help improve cardio fitness and calorie burning are a dime a dozen, but strength and conditioning coaches that are able to prioritize gains in strength, power, speed, and agility – all while safely developing bodies more resistant to injury – are best qualified to be working with athletes.  These are some good related qualities to look for in a competent strength coach or high-performance trainer:




Can they structure a workout routine in order to maximize growth and physical or performance gains?  Is the workout challenging but still capable of allowing you to recover fresh and get progressively stronger on a weekly basis?  Often times a coach who has once trained as a high-level athlete themselves will write the best training program simply because they know how it feels to perform one.



Are they capable of really coaching with good results?  Can they take multiple athletes and provide real-time feedback and expert instruction to create bigger, stronger, faster, more agile bodies?  Simply look at the physical capabilities and the injury history of the athletes they have closely worked with for the answer.  Some coaches may even have adequate knowledge to teach these effective training methods, but refuse to incorporate them in their program because they consider it “too risky” for their skill set.



Do your coaches look the part as fit and healthy human beings themselves?  Can they command respect and successfully impart an unlimited amount of training knowledge without yelling, screaming, threatening, or being unprofessional?  Athletes are very high-functioning technical beings – meaning they are quick to pick up on and emulate what an example does versus what that example or role model might simply say…and actions do speak louder than words.

Remember: Conditioning is easier to develop than acquired strength, power, speed, and quickness.  Make sure to develop the latter skills first – do not impede athletes’ development by wasting time trying to build the former in the weight room setting.  Conditioning cannot guarantee any of the latter skills; but improving these skills can greatly contribute to an athlete’s conditioning.

                                                                                                                                   – CHRIS BORGARD

Extending Athletes’ Careers

Derek Thomas

(seen above in blue at 2018 USATF meet)


along the path to extending        AN Athletic career


This past weekend, I want to recognize the remarkable achievements of two elite athletes that I have worked with for years now in the weight room: Derek Thomas and Phil Reid – both of whom recently ran to top-15 finishes in the 800 meters and 5,000 meters (respectively) at the 2018 USATF Championships held in Des Moines Iowa.  These two have much in common:  they both currently run for the same professional running club, both ran in the same college program, and they are both enjoying success well after college.


The similarities don’t end there: Like many members of the HOKA (formerly ASICS) Aggies, both Derek and Phil work full-time jobs in the same town, jobs which don’t afford them the bona fide “professional” luxuries of big sponsors and endorsement contracts, or the perks of elite pro running clubs that pay for housing, meals, training & massage services, etc.  In spite of this, the fact that they continue to run (and run well) several years after college shows their biggest shared trait: PERSEVERANCE

Phil Reid

(seen winning the 2017 L.A. Rock and Roll Half Marathon)


Per . se. ver.ance (n). 1. Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success


I have known and worked with these two athletes for years…long enough to witness many obstacles that stood in both of their paths – whether it was finances, injury, or sometimes life just getting in the way.  Difficulty…and delay.  And yet still these two have persevered against long odds to continue to do the most they could with what they had…knowing that they still had more than most.  They have often made sacrifices with family, career, and even their own health to keep their dream alive.  If SUCCESS = HARD WORK + PERSEVERANCE, I can vouch for how many times I have seen Derek and Phil display both of the latter traits…and I look forward to helping them both in any way I can as they continue to enjoy the former.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    – CHRIS BORGARD


Pole Vaulters Strength



People ask me all the time, “Who are your favorite athletes to train?”  While I enjoy training athletes from all sports, I have a special affinity for pole vaulters.  I have worked with a number of great ones, to include school record holders at Cal Poly and Duke universities.  A couple of traits all pole vaulters have in common:



It takes great full-body strength just to get up in the air and bend the pole prior to being slung skyward, but it takes exceptional core strength to control the body’s inertia and positioning during the slingshot sequence involving swinging, piking, inverting, rotating and pushing off over a bar that rests higher than your pole.


Among other things, a vaulter’s momentum into the pole at takeoff corresponds with speed down the runway.  A pole vaulter must be powerful enough with sufficient runway acceleration and turnover – especially if they aren’t very tall.


Vaulters must be fearless, and must not have even the slightest trepidation about launching their body upside down approximately 15 feet or more up in the air, all the while at the mercy of whiplash from a giant fiberglass pole.


The training programs I engineered for pole vaulters might be my absolute best (and favorite) works – all of our vaulters got stronger as the season progressed from March-May towards reaching their peak heights.  Obviously good coaching (which we had) was the main factor in this highly technical event, but these athletes would never be able to transition towards bigger poles and longer takeoffs without gaining strength and power when it matters most.  Even during season, there was no exercise that I considered too tough or risky – or that I didn’t think my vaulters had the strength to handle.  This hard-earned confidence is the same feeling you want your athlete to have during the critical part of their season, especially in the pole vault.