

Browse Catalog


Chris Borgard’s Practical Sports Nutrition Guide
(2nd Ed. PDF eBOOK)

Offering a full catalog of sports-specific strength training, Pro-hab, tactical & outdoor strength training, and flexibility & recovery routines

Starting at $79.99 per daily routine

Enjoy the benefit of customized workout programs written by someone who has worked with professional teams and individuals including NFL and MLB players, Olympians, U.S. military special forces, firefighters, and more.

Browse Catalog

Local Services (SLO county)

Speed & Agility Group Training Sessions

$25/hour group rates!

Join our CourtSport or FieldFit athlete training groups to develop the footwork, speed, agility, and conditioning required to match the demands of your sport!

MSR Rehabilitation Program

$75/hour private rates!

Take advantage of professionally-designed protocols that incorporate private massage, personalized stretching programs and rehabilitation progressions to help eliminate aches and pains, and to help you return to competition feeling stronger than ever before.

Body Composition Testing & Goal Setting

$50/hour private rates!

Get your body composition accurately tested by researchers who have tested thousands clients of all ages and body types. Let us assist you determining an ideal body composition for your sport and help set you on a path to get there!

Our Commitment

Anything built to last has a solid foundation from the ground up. Our science-based workouts are structured so that there is a reason behind every exercise, including when and how it is performed during the workout routine in order to keep you healthy and strong.

We offer guidance and counseling for all aspects of health and wellness, including nutritional guidance to help reach your ideal weight or individualized programs to help rehabilitate an old injury. We can provide you with the principles on how and where to start!